Your Customizable HRA Solution

A Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is a plan designed to help employees manage the rising costs of health care by allowing you to pay for qualified medical expenses with money set aside in an account by the employer. Think of it as a personal account for eligible medical expenses set by the employer. The employer sets aside money on a pre-tax basis — and the employee does not pay income taxes on it. 

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Surency Offers Several HRA Options to Fit Your Company's Needs

  • Comprehensive HRA - Employee can choose to allow all IRS eligible medical expenses or a subset of those expenses
  • Limited Purpose HRA - Only vision, dental, and/or preventive care expenses, typically paired with an HSA
  • Post-Deductible HRA - Covers expenses after HDHP deductible has been met, preserves HSA eligibility for member
  • Retirement HRA - Designed for retired employees
  • Qualified Small Employer HRA - May be used to reimburse all employees for qualified medical expenses including monthly premiums for qualifying health coverage
  • Bridge Deductible HRA- Designed to provide a bridge between the employee’s out-of-pocket expenses and insurance coverage once a part of the deductible is met
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HoW Does it Work?


Employers contribute a specified amount to the employee’s account each year. The money may be deposited in increments or in one lump sum.

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Start Spending 

When members are ready to use the money from the HRA for any eligible expense, they can use the Surency Benefits Card or pay upfront and file a claim. Filing a claim electronically for reimbursement is easy through the Surency Member Account or the Surency Mobile App. Reimbursement will only occur if funds are available. 

Eligible expenses may differ from plan to plan depending on what the employer has chosen. We can work with employers to help educate employees on what is eligible under their specific plan.

Managing HRA funds is easier than ever with our user-friendly Member Account and Mobile App. Check your account balance, submit a claim by snapping a picture of your receipt, manage notifications, and more.

Mobile App


We are confident that Surency is the solution for your business. Fill out this quick form to get started. A Surency Team member will reach out to you shortly.

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How We Help

Surency Login

Choose your Surency account type below to log in and access your account. Reimbursement accounts include FSA, DC FSA, LP FSA, HSA, HRA, Commuter, LSA, QSEHRA, Adoption Assistance, Travel Benefits, Direct Billing and Premium Only Plans.
